Wednesday 8 January 2014

New Year Resolutions - Buy A Car That 'Will Never Let You Down'

In collecting 108,600 car reviews, finds car ownership is personal. Reviewers who rated reliability high said, "my car never let me down".

How come a car is so personal? Whilst a fridge breaks, a watch stops and a TV is on the blink, a dysfunctional car "let me down." home to more car reviews on the planet - has been analysing comments posted to the site by more than 108,600 known car owners.
Over 10% of owners who left comments and rated their car above 4 out of 5 said: 
"my car never let me down."
Over 10% of owners who left comments and rated their car above 4 out of 5 said, "my car never let me down."

Low rated cars on the review site had a similar number of comments saying, "my car let me down." spokesman said, "the loud and clear message from car reviewers was that car ownership is different from owning anything else. A car is part of a lifestyle, an image, it has to be practical but it means more than a watch, a TV or a fridge ever could."
For most, a car comes second only to a house in expense. However, people are more likely to spend five times as long looking and reviewing their next holiday than they do their next car.
Although one in eight of us buying a car will choose used, car review sites are focused on the richer few who can afford to buy new.
Until now, the used car buyer hasn't had a site with unbiased reviews from enough people to make any conclusions. is thought to have more reviews than any other site world wide. All cars are reviewed by known owners and then checked for accuracy by drivers of the same make and model - over 435,000 have voted on the reviews made so far.
All makes and models on the road are reviewed and the ratings include economy, reliability, comfort, drive and whether the owner would recommend a car.
Whilst the statistics are useful, the comments made are more informative - especially for car buyers who want to avoid particular models and spot common faults.
The site spokesman said, "We've done everything to help the car buyer. Our car reviews are unbiased, we check every one has owned the car for a considerable time and we invite them to take part if they have owned a car."
In the New Year, car buyers now have a site they can turn to if they want to find a car that 'won't let them down'.

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